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How to Start a Live Scan Business

The following are the general steps to starting a live scan fingerprinting business, although procedures differ widely.

  1. Make sure you have taken the Live Scan Business Class| Live Scan Business in a Box Option.

  2. Make sure you book your in depth one-on-one State Guideline consultation.

  3. We will make sure you meet all of your state's qualifications.

  4. Complete and submit an applicable paperwork provided.

  5. Make sure to decide if you want to offer mobile or stationary live scan services.

  6.  The consultation will cover ALL equipment options available in your state, including using your own equipment, what is the worst scanner for mobile service, what are the best software and scanners for mobile service, marketing, and much, much more.

  7. Consultation will cover only Approved Software & Equipment in your state.

  8. Complete fingerprinting and background check (if applicable).

  9. Receive your certification for Live Scan Training (included in your course).

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